Month: May 2022

Home / Month: May 2022

Crypto scammers are taking advantage of the anxious state of crypto asset owners who are experiencing uncertainties amidst the volatile crypto conditions. Some fraudsters are hijacking Twitter accounts to use while posing as journalists who recommend alternative cryptocurrency platforms for buying digital coins and NFTs in Twitter

Once these Internet scammers are able to convince a crypto asset owner to use their platform in selling their digital assets via the hijacked Twitter account. The fake journalists succeed not only in getting hold of the digital assets unlawfully, but also enabling scammers to gain access to personal and other sensitive data, including those linked to family members.

What Scammers are Doing to Illegally Access Crypto Assets

Most of the targeted victims of the impersonators are verified account holders, and at the same time, owners of cryptomonies and a variety of nonfungible tokens (NFTs). According to a staff research engineer at Tenable Inc cybersecurity firm, the scammers introduce themselves as verified members of popular NFT collectors organizations like Azuki, Bored Ape Yacht Club, Okay Bears and MoonBirds. All of which have 150,000 plus followers at Twitter.

The scammers share photos of NFTs allegedly taken by impersonated journalists and from there, convince digital money owners to invest their cryptomoney in NFTs as a more stable form of digital asset. As the exchange takes place, the NFTs turn out to be bogus as the journalists who shared the pictures are mere impersonators.

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Meaningful experiences are valuable, and they come in all shapes and surprises..
